


it’s occurred to me that i’ve been out of classic who fandom so long that some of you doubtless have not seen it. if that is the case, here are some honest-to-god, hand-over-heart true facts about classic doctor who:

  • an entire fake season of the show had to be made up to make a single companion’s timeline possible
  • the last story of the entire run involves the master turning into a cat furry
  • a companion nearly gets eaten by a giant clam
  • there is an entire season where every villain is the master but in different ludicrous disguises. one time he summons satan
  • one time the production team forgot colin baker tied to a pole in the woods
  • tom baker’s scarf was supposed to be normal scarf-length, but the person who bought the yarn had no idea how much yarn you need to make a scarf and bought way too much, and the person who was hired to make the scarf wasn’t told to stop. so she just. didn’t
  • the fifth doctor had a robot companion who had to be abruptly written off the show after the only person who knew how to operate the robot died
  • there is a serial where people are eaten by inflatable furniture and people complained to the bbc that it was too violent
  • an alien exiled to a boys’ boarding school on earth was convinced to kill the doctor by a man with a bird shellacked to his scalp. he failed so badly at killing the doctor that he became a companion instead
  • There was an entire six part story that was basically the miners strike but In Space. Everything was part of a plot by the Ice Warriors who wanted to start a space war and apparently pissing off miners with ridiculous hair was a crucial part of that plan. Probably still less evil than Margaret Thatcher though
  • The Master once dressed up as a Scarecrow and stood in a field. The Doctor and his companion walked by by PURE CHANCE and the Master took that as an excuse to drop the disguise and throw together a plan that involved causing a minor inconvenience to established history. There was no logical way he could have known the Doctor would be in that place at that time. He just felt like being a scarecrow and freaking out birds I guess
  • That same story has someone turned into a sentient tree
  • The Seventh Doctor once distracted three Lovecraftian beings from before the dawn of time with a magic show who were running a Murderous Circus staffed by homicidal clowns until his pyromaniac lesbian companion could throw him a hippies magic pendant which shot lasers at the gods and killed them.
  • That same story had a Space Werewolf and a British Explorer From Space 
  • The Sixth Doctor’s companion Peri had a timeline so effing convoluted that an entire audio drama was made about how time travel had genuinely created MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF HER because it was the only way to explain all the contradictions
  • The Fourth Doctor painted the words “This is a Fake” behind the Mona Lisa as part of a plan to stop an alien art thief from wiping humanity from existence
  • The Seventh Doctor once fought a Homicidal Bertie Basset who worked for Margaret Thatcher in Space and killed people with deadly sweets. He defeated him with lemonade.
  • Ace literally has a girlfriend in almost every story she’s in. It’s not even subtle. In one story they literally had her and her Girl of the Week dressed in tuxes together.
  • Harry Sullivan is an Imbecile

“I promise it’s cool when you watch it”

It’s actually almost completely absurd, but it has so much fun with it.

Also, Ace had boyfriends, too, so I’m pretty sure she was bi-awesome.

But Harry Sullivan is absolutely an imbecile.

I’m so excited for the new Doctor Who coming up. It looks fantastic and I love the ad that was just on. Somebody asks the Doctor what to do and somebody else demands to know why they’re asking her. “Because she’s in charge” “Who says?” Then all three of the people with the Doctor say “WE DO.” 

This is going to be fun.